Master's programme Time-based Media

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+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24

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In the Master's programme, students develop their own artistic-scientific and transdisciplinary projects and works in process- and problem-oriented modules. The main aim of the course is to impart a critical openness towards social, societal, political and artistic problems as well as a questioning of artistic production with regard to social relevance and ideological-political implications.

Experimental, performative, space-related, cultural-scientific and art-historical aspects flow into the project handling and theory training of time-based media, media practice and media production. Through such a media-historical-cultural background, graduates should be enabled to develop a differentiated approach to their own work and to place it in a targeted manner in the various areas of the media and media industry as well as possible artistic-scientific fields of work.

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Location of the time-based media

Domgasse 1 | 4th floor | 4020 Linz