Fine Arts: Artistic Photography

Logo Open Day

+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies+++ Insights into studies

+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24+++ Live program on 20/03/24

+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To study+++ To the study

Artistic photography is to be conveyed as a discipline that makes it possible to think contemporary problems and practices beyond strict genre boundaries. The discourse will be characterized by openness, the focus will be on a conceptual approach to different media and themes, which will be expressed in a differentiated and clearly defined way.

Photographic, sculptural, and text-based approaches can be juxtaposed, interrelated, and juxtaposed against each other to take contemporary artistic positions that engage with the reality of our lives today.

Locations of the University of Arts Linz

Locations of the University of Arts Linz


Registration for the portfolio interviews


Study and admission

Location of Artistic Photography

Domgasse 1 | Ground Floor, Room DOEG13, DOEG14 and DOEG17 | 4020 Linz